Use "byelaw|byelaws" in a sentence


2. Requirements Made Under Byelaws

3. Byrlaw (obsolete); by-law; bye-law, byelaw; Etymology

4. Jharkhand Building Byelaws 2016

5. Byelaws These Byelaws apply to land owned or leased by the National Park Authority

6. Short title, Extent and commencement.- 1.1 These Byelaws shall be called the Jharkhand Building Byelaws 2016

7. The Byelaws The Loch Lomond Byelaws were introduced in 1996 by the Loch Lomond Regional Park Authority

8. These 2008 Byelaws were in the standard format of the time and conform exactly to the template Model Byelaws – Set 2 under the Byelaws (Alternative Procedure) (England) Regulations 2016

9. Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws: Get the latest information about Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws more! Click here to stay updated and invest wisely! Learn more about Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws Today, visit NSE India.

10. Byelaws: Download: The Hawksbill Creek, Grand Bahama (Deep Water Harbour and Industrial Area) (Amendment of Agreement) Act: Byelaws: Download: City of Freeport, Building Code & Sanitary Code Bye-laws: Byelaws: Download: City of Freeport, Environmental Bye-laws: Byelaws: Download:

11. When freshwater fishing you must follow these Byelaws (rules)

12. The Byelaws which are currently in force

13. In these Byelaws, unless the context otherwise requires:

14. 10 This byelaw encourages citizen alms remains and organ, prohibit remains and, organ.

15. Some local authorities have made byelaws to control some noise sources .

16. Byelaws prohibiting the consumption of alcohol in designated public spaces

17. Application of Byelaws (a) These Byelaws shall have effect within the District; (b) the watercourses referred to in theseela Bwys are watercourses which are for thee tim

18. Bylaw, byelaw, by-law, bye-law n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc

19. * Byrlaw (obsolete) * by-law, bye-law, byelaw Noun A local custom or law of a settlement or district

20. Byelaws are effectively local laws to deal with local issues

21. Commencement of Byelaws These Byelaws shall ec oinmto operationt haet expiration of onoen tmh beginning with the day on which they are confirmed by the Secretary of State

22. (1) In these Byelaws the following expressions shall have the following meanings:-

23. Byelaws and specific controls to deal with noise from construction sites and loudspeakers .

24. * Byrlaw (obsolete) * by-law, bye-law, byelaw Noun A local custom or law of a settlement or district

25. 1.2 These Byelaws shall apply to all building activities in the area falling in;

26. After 45 years they are being replaced by new Byelaws - what these say matters.

27. Hi guys, I’d really like to fly legally but I struggle to find the local Byelaws

28. The note also includes a separate section on the regime that applies in Wales for the making of Byelaws.

29. 27 According to company byelaw, build and regist a HK company, in the absolve from payment time, if refundment is acceptable?

30. PROFFESSIONAL PRACTISE REPORT ON Byelaws & THEIR IMPORTANCE The building Byelaws are defined as the standards & specifications designed to grant minimum safeguards to the workers during construction, to the health & comfort of the users & …

31. (d) Any cattle, sheep or other animal found by him on Trust Property in contravention of these Byelaws

32. Copies of the proposed Byelaws (or any part of them) may also be obtained in PDF format below.

33. The public’s access and use of the land is governed by the Aldershot & District Military Lands Byelaws

34. Byelaws Glasgow Airport Glasgow Airport, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by sections 63 and 64 of the Airports Act l986, and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, hereby makes the following Byelaws which shall apply within Glasgow Airport

35. A further review took place in 2012 and the revised Loch Lomond Byelaws were approved by Scottish Government

36. (Redirected from Byelaws in the united kingdom) In the United Kingdom, Byelaws are laws of local or limited application made by local councils or other bodies, using powers granted by an Act of Parliament, and so are a form of delegated legislation.

37. Byelaws regulate building construction & building use in order to protect the health, safety, comfort & efficiency of the occupant

38. Byelaws have come into force on the River Taff and Ely aimed at safeguarding its salmon and sea trout populations

39. The provisions of the Building Byelaws, for common house holder to build a hazard safe house at economical cost

40. As required by the standard format, the land affected by the Byelaws is identified in a series of schedules.

41. Byelaws are secondary pieces of legislation made under Primary Acts of Tynwald to cater for local authority area problems

42. In 2002 Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority became responsible for the Byelaws, which were revised in 2007

43. County Council Byelaws cover behaviour of dogs on beaches and open spaces and use of power craft on inland waters.

44. What are the Byelaws? The majority of the land the surrounds Aldershot, Farnborough, Fleet, and Camberley is part of the military training estate

45. The Byelaws are then signed into law by the Minister of State in July, with them coming into force from October 2020.

46. (c) Any show, exhibition, swing, roundabout, organ or other like thing for the time being on Trust Property in contravention of these Byelaws

47. Where these Byelaws require an authorised officer to produce his authority, a police officer may satisfy the requirement by producing his warrant card

48. Byelaws made by the Conservators of Epping Forest, in pursuance of the Epping Forest Acts 1878 and 1880 and the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1977

49. In these Byelaws “the Conservators” means the Conservators of Epping Forest; “the Forest” means the open waste lands of Epping Forest as shown by the Map referred to

50. The purpose of this circular is to provide advice to local authorities applying to the Scottish Ministers for the confirmation of Byelaws prohibiting the consumption of alcohol in designated public places.

51. It also outlines the different types of Byelaws, including for the good rule and government and the regulation of public walks, pleasure grounds and conduct on public transport

52. Taxes and insurances other than those included as salary costs, including property tax on premises, social securities, group insurance, medical cover professional liability insurance cover, if any, in accordance with Byelaws-5 (4)

53. For example, the Dogs Act 1990 can be enforced throughout the Island but the Douglas Dog Control, Byelaws 2008 can only be enforced in Douglas and specificy control measures relating to areas within the Borough.

54. Byelaws made by The Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London in pursuance of theCorporation of London (Open Spaces) Act, 1878 for the regulation and use of Ashtead Common

55. The Byelaws came into force on 1st January and will be in place for 10 years and mean all salmon caught by rod and net fisheries must be released alive with minimum injury and delay

56. Taff and Ely salmon and trout must be released "There are other Byelaws already in place for the centre, such as not giving out leaflets." Light up and it could cost pounds 500

57. Following Byelaws confirmed by the Secretary of State for Transport for regulating the use of and working of, and travel and conduct on the Light Railway System authorised by the Order and known as Nottingham Express Transit

58. Copies of the proposed Byelaws are available for inspection, free of charge at the offices of London Southend Airport Company Limited at the address below, at any time between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm until Wednesday 18th March 2020

59. Byelaws to LSACL shall include a reference to the company, its employees and agents; Movement Area means any area used for the movement of Aircraft; Notice means any notice, sign, object or device (whether fixed or portable) for conveying warnings, information, requirements, restrictions or prohibitions

60. The following Byelaws made under Section 5 of the Sea Fisheries Regulation Act 1966, as read with section 37 of the Salmon Act 1986, shall apply to those parts of the sea fisheries district lying within six nautical miles measured from the 1983 baselines except where the contrary intention appears in a …